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Table 1 In multivariable models, EC in noninfarcted myocardium in obese patients remained associated with the combined endpoint of HHF/death. The addition of ECV improved the classification of individuals at risk (new reclassification improvement, NRI) and the discrimination of the model (integrated discrimination improvement, IDI).

From: Myocardial fibrosis is associated with subsequent death and hospitalization for heart failure in obese adults

Multivariable Cox regression model

Hazard Ratio for every 5% increase in ECV (95% CI; p value)

Category free NRI (95% CI; p value)

Categorical NRI 0,.05, 0.10 risk categories (95%CI); p value)

IDI (95%CI; p value)

Modeling composite of HHF or death,

stratified by heart failure stage and hospitalization status, adjusted for EF, age, glomerular filtration rate, myocardial infarction size, and gender


(1.44-2.70; p<0.001)


(0.06-0.76; p=0.02)


(0.005-0.079; p=0.02)


(0.016-0.132; p=0.02)