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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: Infarct evolution in man studied in patients with first-time coronary occlusion in comparison to different species - implications for assessment of myocardial salvage

Age (years)

67 (41 - 83)


17 (94%)

Culprit coronary artery



8 (44%)


1 (6%)


9 (50%)

TIMI grade 0 flow before pPCI

18 (100%)

TIMI grade 3 flow after pPCI

18 (100%)

Duration of ischemia (min)

158 (60 - 387)

MaR (% of left ventricle by MPS)

23 (5 - 48)

Infarct size (% of left ventricle)

7 (0 - 21)

Relative infarct size (% of MaR by MPS)

22 (0 - 54)

Previous angina pectoris

2 (11%)

Former smoker

9 (50%)

Active smoker

6 (33%)

ACE inhibitor

1 (6%)

Acetyl salicylic acid

2 (11%)

Angiotensin-II receptor blocker

1 (6%)

Beta blocker

0 (0%)

Calcium channel blocker

1 (6%)


2 (11%)


1 (6%)

Oral anti-diabetic

1 (6%)


3 (17%)

  1. Values as median (range) or frequency (%). ACE = angiotensin converting enzyme, LAD = left anterior descending coronary artery, LCx = left circumflex coronary artery, MaR = myocardium at risk, MPS = myocardial perfusion single photon emission computed tomography, pPCI = primary percutaneous coronary intervention, Rca = right coronary artery, TIMI = thrombolysis in myocardial infarction.