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Table 1 Incidence of Subtle Signs in G+P- Group and Controls

From: Subtle structural abnormalities in genotype positive phenotype ‘negative’ patients with pre-clinical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM): a blinded, controlled cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) study


G+P- Group (n=18)

Controls (n=36)


14 (77.8%)

0 (0%)


7 (38.9%)

0 (0%)


9 (50%)

0 (0%)


12 (66.7%)

2 (5.6%)


1 (5.6%)

0 (0%)


1 (5.6%)

1 (2.8%)

  1. (DBISC - Deep Basal Inferoseptal Crypts, SWTC - Sudden Wall Thickness Change, IWT - Inappropriate Wall Thinning, ABFT - Apical to Basal False Tendon, LAT - Lack of Apical Tapering, SNAC - Snub Nose Apical Contour). DBISC are defined as focal defects in the basal inferoseptum with a depth of greater than 50% relative to immediate surrounding myocardium. SWTC is defined as sudden transition in wall thickness between adjacent myocardial segments with a ratio of thicker to thinner myocardium of 2:1 or greater (excluding the thin myocardium of the true apex) IWT is defined as wall thinning out of keeping with the thickness of adjacent myocardial segments or segments within the ring of myocardium that segment is located in. ABFT is defined a false tendon extending from the basal ventricle to apical compacted myocardium. LAT is defined as apical myocardial tapering not conforming to normality (typically the myocardium tapers smoothly towards the apex becoming progressively thinner till it reaches the thin myocardium of the tip of the true apex. SNAC is defined as a flattened or blunted epicardial contour in systole akin to the shape of the tip of a ballet dancer’s shoe.