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Table 1 Healthy volunteer demographics

From: Quantification of myocardial blood flow with cardiovascular magnetic resonance throughout the cardiac cycle


Data (n = 30)

Age (yrs)

22 ± 2

Sex, n (%)



18 (60)


12 (40)

LV function


 EF %

61 ± 5

 EDV, ml

140 ± 26

 ESV, ml

59 ± 14

 LV Mass, g/m2

82 ± 22

Hemodynamics at Peak Stress


 Heart rate (beats/min)

81 ± 9

 Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

127 ± 20

 RPP (mmHg x beats/min)

10226 ± 2319

  1. Data n ± SD. LV = left ventricle; EDV = end-diastolic volume; ESV = end-systolic volume; RPP = rate-pressure product.