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Figure 8 | Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

Figure 8

From: Comparison of diffusion tensor imaging by cardiovascular magnetic resonance and gadolinium enhanced 3D image intensity approaches to investigation of structural anisotropy in explanted rat hearts

Figure 8

Exploration of the relative magnitudes of the laminar eigenvalues in the lateral ROI. In order to assess for DTI and for ST whether meaningful sorting of the putative laminar normal eigenvector from the intermediate-eigenvector is possible the magnitudes of the putative laminar normal eigenvalue was compared to the λ2 (i.e. for ST λ1 was compared to λ2 and for DTI λ3, was compared to λ2). In each case the smaller eigenvalue is expressed as a percentage of the larger eigenvalue, where 100% indicates identity, and that there is no confidence in sorting the putative laminar normal orientation from the intermediate-eigenvector orientation, and approaching 0% the confidence in sorting is high. DTI: Scan #2, 12-direction, b = 1000 s/mm2; ST: Scan #8, DTW = 3, STW = 3). Data in this figure is from the lateral ROI which was visualized and compared to FI laminar orientations in Figure 3&7. FLASH: fast low angle shot; ST: structure tensor of FLASH data; DTI: diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging; ROI: region of interest; DTW: derivative template width STW: smoothing template width. The symbols for vectors and derived angles are defined in Table 2.

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