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Table 1 Patients’ demographics, coronary angiographic and CMR characteristics. This table provides the demographic details, coronary angiographic and CMR characteristics of the study population

From: T1 mapping and T2 mapping at 3T for quantifying the area-at-risk in reperfused STEMI patients



Number of patients


Male (%)

15 (83)

Age ± SD (years)

58 ± 10

Hypertension (%)

5 (28)

Smoking (%)

9 (50)

Dyslipidemia (%)

3 (17)

Chest pain onset to balloon time (minutes)

292 (116–800)

Infarct artery and location (%)



12 (67)

Proximal/ Mid/ Distal

5 (42)/6 (50)/1 (8)


6 (33)

Proximal/ Mid/ Distal

3 (50)/2 (33)/1(17)

Pre-PPCI TIMI flow (%)



13 (72)/4 (22)/1 (6)/0 (0)

Post-PPCI TIMI flow (%)



1 (6)/0 (0)/2 (12)/15 (82)

Single vessel disease

13 (72)

Double vessel disease

5 (28)

Days from PPCI to CMR

5 (4–6)

Left ventricular ejection fraction (%)

49 ± 11 (Normal range 58–76)

End diastolic volume (ml)

135 ± 21 (Normal range 113–196)

Left ventricular mass (g)

151 ± 50 (Normal range 107–184)

Presence of MVO (%)

8 (44)

Infarct size by LGE, (% LV volume)

18.8 ± 9.4

AAR by T1-mapping, (% LV volume)

32.3 ± 11.5

AAR by T2-mapping, (% LV volume)

31.6 ± 11.2

  1. PPCI primary percutaneous coronary intervention, LAD left anterior descending artery, RCA right coronary artery, TIMI thrombolysis in myocardial infarction, LV left ventricle, SD standard deviation, MVO microvascular obstruction, LGE Late Gadolinium Enhancement, AAR area-at-risk