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Fig. 2 | Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

Fig. 2

From: Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in pulmonary hypertension predicts functional capacity and clinical worsening: a tissue phase mapping study

Fig. 2

Line graphs of global a radial, b longitudinal and c tangential LV velocities in a healthy volunteer (solid line) and a PH patient (dotted line). The RR intervals for both subjects have been scaled to the same value for illustrative purposes. S, E and A waves are evident radially and longitudinally. Biphasic systolic (S1 and S2) and early diastolic (E1 and E2) waves are observed tangentially. Cardiac cycles are normalized for heart rate for illustrative purposes. Global Erad and Elong velocities are markedly reduced in PH. The tangential S2 wave is also reduced in PH. The reverse direction of untwisting of biphasic early diastolic tangential waves was evident in all PH patients

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