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Table 3 Normal and reference values for CMR-PWV stratified per sex, age and blood pressure category

From: Normal and reference values for cardiovascular magnetic resonance-based pulse wave velocity in the middle-aged general population

Age (years)

Normal values (n = 397) BP < 130/80 mmHg

Stage 1 HTN* (n = 474) BP ≥ 130/80, < 140/90 mmHg

Stage 2 HTN* (n = 523) BP ≥ 140/90 mmHg

Mean [95% CI]

Median [10-90th pc]

Mean [95% CI]

Median [10-90th pc]

Mean [95% CI]

Median [10-90th pc]

PWV (m/s)


  45 to < 50

5.6 [5.3–6.0]

5.5 [4.9–6.8]

5.6 [5.5–5.8]

5.4 [5.1–6.2]

6.0 [5.8–6.3]

6.0 [5.2–6.9]

  50 to < 55

5.8 [5.6–6.1]

5.8 [5.1–6.5]

6.0 [5.7–6.3]

5.9 [5.1–7.2]

6.2 [6.0–6.5]

6.0 [5.5–7.3]

  55 to < 60

6.2 [5.8–6.7]

6.1 [5.3–7.8]

6.7 [6.0–7.3]

6.3 [5.6–7.8]

7.0 [6.6–7.4]

6.8 [5.6–8.8]

  60 to < 65

6.6 [6.2–7.1]

6.8 [5.4–8.0]

7.0 [6.6–7.4]

6.7 [5.9–9.3]

7.5 [7.1–7.9]

7.3 [5.8–9.5]


  45 to < 50

5.3 [5.1–5.5]

5.2 [4.6–6.1]

5.6 [5.4–5.8]

5.5 [4.9–6.5]

6.2 [6.0–6.4]

6.2 [5.6–7.1]

  50 to < 55

5.7 [5.5–5.9]

5.6 [5.0–6.5]

6.3 [6.0–6.7]

6.1 [5.4–8.0]

6.6 [6.2–7.0]

6.5 [5.7–7.7]

  55 to < 60

6.1 [5.7–6.5]

5.8 [5.0–7.0]

6.9 [6.5–7.3]

6.7 [5.6–8.3]

7.4 [7.0–7.8]

7.2 [6.1–8.7]

  60 to < 65

6.8 [6.5–7.1]

6.8 [5.7–7.9]

7.3 [6.9–7.8]

7.0 [5.9–9.8]

8.5 [7.8–9.3]

7.9 [6.4–12.4]

  1. BP blood pressure, HTN hypertension, PWV pulse wave velocity. *Categorized according to the ACC/AHA guidelines