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Table 4 Influence of geometry parameters for CE-MRA acquisitions

From: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance physics for clinicians: part II

Geometry Parameter

How is it chosen?


What is the limitation/ disadvantage?

Acquisition Matrix, NR, in the readout direction (Base Resolution)

256 Minimum Increase to 512 preferred

To get best resolution in readout direction

512 matrix increases TE and therefore TR. (increases scan time)

Acquisition Matrix, NP, in the phase encoding direction


To get best resolution in phase encoding direction

Increases Scan time (directly proportional)

(depends on breath-hold period)

SNR decreases as square root of increase

No of slices, NS


Increases coverage of volume thickness

Scan time (increases proportionally)

(depends on breath-hold period, slice thickness and FOVS

Increases SNR as square root

(fixed slice thickness)

Slice thickness, THK

Minimise for best resolution in the slice direction

Increases through-plane resolution

Decreases coverage



Decreases SNR (directly proportional)

Field of View (FOVR)

Optimise for desired in-plane coverage

Aim to get best in-plane resolution without getting too much foldover

If too small, foldover becomes a problem.

SNR decreases with FOVR (proportional to square).

Rectangular Field of View factor (RFOV)

Minimise for desired coverage in phase encoding direction

Reduces scan time

Foldover is increased


(NP reduces in same proportion as RFOV)

SNR is decreased

(Proportional to square root)

Zero filling/ interpolation

Apply in the slice direction

Doubles the number of reconstructed slices (but doesn’t improve resolution)


  1. This table shows how different geometric parameters can be chosen to improve spatial resolution and coverage of the region of interest, together with the trade-off reflected in increased scan time or poorer signal to noise ration. Abbreviations are as follows: NR, NP, NS = Acquisition matrix in the readout (frequency), phase and slice encoding directions respectively. FOVR, FOVP, FOVS = Field of view in the readout (frequency), phase and slice encoding directions respectively. RFOV = rectangular field of view factor. THK = slice thickness.