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Table 3 Measurements of pulmonary blood volume (PBV) for all participants

From: Pulmonary blood volume measured by cardiovascular magnetic resonance: influence of pulmonary transit time methods and left atrial volume


PBV (ml)

PBV, indexed (ml/m2)

PBV–LAVmean (ml)

PBV–LAVmean, indexed (ml/m2)

Pulmonary transit time


Cardiac output


Pulmonary transit beats (n)

RVSV (ml)

F-test PBV vs CoG(PA-LA)

F-test PBV–LAVmean vs CoG(PA-LA)


541 ± 111

280 ± 48

5.7 ± 1.4

93.4 ± 22.5


631 ± 150

322 ± 70

552 ± 140

276 ± 78

8 ± 2

84.5 ± 16.7

 < 0.001



644 ± 151

330 ± 70

567 ± 139

283 ± 78

7.1 ± 1.8

93.4 ± 22.5

 < 0.001



651 ± 145

334 ± 64

573 ± 131

286 ± 73

7.1 ± 1.5

93.4 ± 22.5

 < 0.001


  1. Results for different methods of measuring PBV, including adjustment of PBV for mean left atrial volume (LAVmean). Indexation for PBV by body surface area (BSA). Note that PBV for CoG(PA-LA) excludes the LAV, see Fig. 1
  2. PTB(FPP) pulmonary transit time, pulmonary transit beats; peak-peak(FPP) pulmonary transit time, peak to peak; CoG(FPP) pulmonary transit time, center of gravity; RVSV right ventricular stroke volume